wOw..... I never talk about teachers day b4.... haha.... my "TEACHERS DAY" is maybe different from yours lah..... LOL Cause I never Celebrate it in skool....... guess where I celebrated.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA............... In the house!!!!Every year I celebrate it by oppening all my mum's present..... my mum usually bring home with few black plastic bag of Present from her skool..... If its my skool... my teachers maybe bring home maybe lesser than a hand full of present... AND trust me.... teachers from my skool can go home without anything EVEN A CARD... haha........
Every Year i open those presents with my mum, I just wish for food..... cause it is the most practical.... 4 me lah.... and this are the presents that my mum got....
Out of ALL these presents.... here are some WEIRD ONES!!!!!!!!
a small 'BANK BOX' i'll never dare to ask my teacher to safe now b4 he or she gets too old.... hahaha.....
a 'puppy thing' which is not even a key chain......
one JUST ONE box of 'staples'
a box of TESCO TISSUE......... didnt get to take the picture of the present with the wrapper..... trust me... NEVER thought that it would be a tissue box really containing TISSUE......
its lable..... Faber Castell STUDENT ERASER dust free..... wth..... i'll never give my teacher a student thing... maybe this girl just took it from her pencil box.....haha!!!!
*to all my mother's students... if you reading this.... dont be angry or something... seriously no other meaning as long as the present that you give is coming from your heart..... although its funny to me.... LOL.....