
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've never had issues or big scenes in school happening to me. Somehow at the very end of my school life, this popped out. Something peculiar and stupid. Over small issues made big, BGR in school. The worst was I was not involved at all. Gosh. What a nuisance. Teachers have been complaining about boys and girls walking together and being too close. Duh! that's what mixture of boys and girls are for. I mean I don't support holding hands or kissing in school or do censored stuff in class. We were just walking together, some sit together and I admit sometimes some of them were a bit overboard.

The point is, whether people from the same class put 'in a relationship' with so and so in Facebook or putting couple pictures on Facebook is non of anyones' business. It's out of school compound and boundaries. No one except their own parents can leave no comment or have any prejudice against them. The worst was, every single detail and info the teacher got was rummers from students' mouth. As an teacher and a full grown adult, you should approach us and talk to us and get the whole picture before you place threats on us telling us "if you continue, I will ...." I mean, you and I are mature enough to talk this trough rather than to accuse with just bare information on the mere surface. Confront us. Talk to us. Having relationship in this age is normal. (not saying that I'm abnormal) I just hope that teachers would not persist in this issue and make it a BIG scene. For the record, I'm not in any relationship with anyone. Haha. So stop making love matches of students in class just because they sit near each other (not even next to), having lunch together and walking together. How "mou ku" I am. *innocent*=]

love, remmygoh

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