Okay. Here's a situation. People are going crazy about something petty like getting the formation right for some watikah pelantikan for the librarians. The ideas of the teacher is already an headache for all of us and some were just digging other's and their own graves. What they did was SAYING SOMETHING, leaving extra comments to make things worst. People will always invite good suggestions and take every opinion into consideration. But if opinions and suggestions are killing time and making the problem into a bigger one, might as well you keep opinions to yourself. There were almost 30 of us. If each of us have an opinion to voice out, who's going to follow orders then?? Sometimes it's just good to keep quiet and follow. Situation would be much simpler that way. Thats why in all and every company to any organization, there will only be ONE leader giving out directions for other to follow.
I don't care what's going to turn up this Monday for the pelantikan thing. I don't care. I will just follow the directions given by who ever it is and end it ASAP. It's pointless anyways. Not that great afterall.
love, remmygoh
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