
Monday, April 18, 2011

Inner confusion.

April 18

I'm having this with me again. Sigh. Im just so confused. Don't know whatssap with them??! Sorry for letting it go here. But seriously, as time goes by, I find it harder to communicate and understand them. I think it's my problem or the prob is with them. Im not sure. Thats why I call it an inner confusion. It's not just that I felt awkward around them and now I felt like I'm the cause of it. I'm really confused coz I'm seriously unaware of the situation. I know you've tried to tell me. But you aren't!! I need o know what's my prob that you have to act that way towards me. Having awkward talks, funny facial expression and insincere answers. Gosh!!! You are turning me into some whacko by trying so hard to find out the toot of the prob. Is it me or is it you??

God, if this is my prob, please help me in realizing and overcoming it. It's really bugging me. I kept that funny feeling whenever I go to school trying to somehow strike an interesting conversation so that I don't feel the awkwardness. But without realizing, that's the most awkward part!

love, remmygoh

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