
Friday, April 22, 2011

It's not your fault.

Please. You have loads of problem to take care of. More than you can face. So now I'm telling you that it's got nothing to do with you. Erm. Not 100%. don't have to feel bad. I told you. I dont keep feelings for long when comes to friendship. Coz the main thing is I treasure this friendship with both of you. So please don't take in account whatever that I've posted. It's just a medium to let out my unsettled heart at that very moment. Worry less on me and more to you, your affairs and your studies. Haha. I am fine. Nobody is to die without a certain someone. Yet I really want to maintain this friendship as I've repeated this statement for umpteen times. GOOD, AWESOME Friends don't come by all the time. And of course I will treasure it!:)

love, remmygoh

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